Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Many many thanks and one warning to the buyers

 Redbubble team choose my artwork on the main page week ago, and here are the things I sold since that. Thank you, buyers from UK, France, Ireland and USA! Love the geography, so cool to see your art travelling throughout the world! :) 

Though I'm a bit embarrassed by the navy T-Shirt. I am sure this design is good looking only on the black background (becouse this is pastel painting, not vector art), but Redbubble turned off "Pick the colors" option for designers ... 

"Green & Black" by Clipsocallipso on Redbubble

P.S. Just made one more sale but... Even more embarrassing - creme T-Shirt... Dear buyer from Spain! Please, change T-Shirt color on black!



Friday, May 19, 2017

Art thieves - "Ceramodecol" / "Керамодеколь" (Москва) - воры

NEED HELP! Theft detected, and thieves are from Russia again.... Check them out - they could steal your art too. These guys from Moscow - "Ceramodecol​" - are selling my "Marylin Monroe" portrait on ceramic tiles. Of course, my name wasn't mentioned, and I don't get any royalties. They even placed their own watermark on my work. I never put out my works on any stock, so they couldn't get this image legally. I need help - what steps could I entertain?

Reposts are VERY welcome.

Опять нашла воров, и опять из России... Если кто-то сталкивался с подобной ситуацией - требуется помощь! Вот эти вот ребята - "Керамодеколь" / Ceramodecol (Моска) - торгуют моим портретом Мэрилин Монро на керамической плитке. Без указания авторства, без каких-либо роялти... Они даже поместили свой ватермарк на мою работу. Ни на какие стоки этот портрет никогда не выставлялся. Какие шаги можно предпринять?

Репост приветствуется.

"Керамодеколь" / "Ceramodecol"- ссылка на мою "Мэрилин" на их сайте

Можете также поискать свои работы, думаю. они обворовали не только меня.